PT Martunas Tamita Indonesia (MTI)
MTI specializes in designing, building and optimizing IT systems for Indonesian companies. Our range of services and solutions cover IT Consultancy and Training, Infrastructure Monitoring Development, Networking Monitoring and Optimizing, Data Storage Monitoring, Mail Servers, Security Systems, and Inventory Software. From requirements analysis to solution design, MTI offers support in all the phases of the project, planning and developing the infrastructures to sustain customers’ business goals and operations.
KPI Dashboard - collect & visualize business performance indicators -
In order to meet the demand for information technology that support company's performance, is required the various facilities of the various aspects of information systems. The area of our service are follows:
1. Infrastructure Optimizing
In information technology and on the Internet, infrastructure is the physical hardware used to interconnect computers and users. Infrastructure includes the software, hardware, and management software.
Good infrastructure and right on target.
- Build, Scale and Run Data-Intensive Applications On-Premise or in the Cloud.
- Simplify deployment and utilize system resources more efficiently.
- Network Design and Development
- Security and Compliance.
- Server Consolidation.
- Data Center Development and Monitoring.
- Develop virtual and cloud computing
NAKIVO - Released FREE backup and replication -
2. Software and Application
Software and hardware that supports all aspect of Management Information System (MIS) and networking including Storage Servers and Security System. In some usages, infrastructure refers to interconnecting hardware and software and not to computers and other devices that are interconnected. However, to some information technology users, infrastructure is viewed as everything that supports the flow and processing of information.
- Mail Server Software, Web Server Software
- BackUp and Replication Software
- Mail Archiving Software
- NMS Software, KPI, Workflow Software
- Small Office Software, Medium, Large Scale Software
- Web Base Inventory System
- Web Base Application Development
- Android & IOS Mobile Apps.
3. Knowledge and Human Resources
- IT Consultant
- Project Management Services.
- Assessment Services.